About Us WPU-PERCEN’s work is focused on analysing international, internal, and interethnic conflicts and more pervasive structural and cultural forms of violence.
Vision The Centre will take a broad interdisciplinary approach, drawing on expertise in International Relations, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Human Geography, Education Science, Gender Studies, and Postcolonial Studies.
Mission PRCN’s mission is to facilitate research, disseminate knowledge on the causes and escalation of violence and conflicts, and the identification of the conditions necessary for their de-escalation and peaceful resolution. Central research topics include:
Interstate and intrastate conflicts
International organisations, international law, and democratic governance
The role of non-state violent actors in contemporary conflicts
Radicalization, extremism, and political violence
Post-conflict peacebuilding, local peace constituencies, and non-state intercommunal mediators
Globalization, international political economy, and the emergence of war economies
Peace journalism
Peace Education
Reconciliation and post-conflict trauma
Centre Director; Assist. Prof. Dr. Emine Eminel Sülün E-mail: [email protected] What we do:
The activities of the Centre are:
Organizing panels, workshops, and conferences regularly.
Organizing training seminars for young researchers from the field, participants from the private sector, non-governmental organisations, and international organisations.
Providing internship opportunities for graduate students and young academics in related fields.
Preparing short reports on current issues of global politics.
Cooperating with similar research centres and institutes in Cyprus and worldwide.