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Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences

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  • Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Dean’s Message

Assoc. Prof.Gözde İnal CAVLAN

One of the faculties of our university, which will start education in the 2022-2023 Spring Semester, is the Faculty of Economics,Administrative & Social Sciences. Business Administration, International Hospitality and Tourism Management are the programs of this faculty. One of the main purposes of the faculty is to train and educate students according to contemporary needs, and, to best equip them scientifically and theoretically; secondly, to prepare them to work life in the shed of the latest developments within the above-mentioned fields of study. Thus, to provide a decent education, development of both students and academic staff will be one of the principles of the faculty. As the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, to endow students with education that fits today’s conditions and needs is our primary aim. Representation of our faculty at both national and international levels, cooperations, and networking are also among our objectives. We plan to widen and broaden horizon of our students. Since the departments within this faculty heavily rely on practice, we evaluate to offer our students support, training and practicing opportunities. Moving from this point, our faculty works for the near future within this framework.
As a result of the reasons mentioned above, we thank in advance to our future students, and wish a successful education and, then, work life.



Business Administration

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International Relations

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Psychology (English Programme)

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Psychology (Turkish Programme)

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